Fame and Misfortune book giveaway.  See our facebook page:  More Than a Review

fame and misfortune

Book Blurb: Kevin Clayton wanted to be thin, attractive, and wear normal sized clothing. However, after rising to prominence as an accomplished fitness guru following an extraordinary transformation and weight loss of 200 pounds, he finds that happiness remains elusive. His marriage to his childhood sweetheart shattered, his relationship with his daughter destroyed, and unable to trust the countless women who swoon over him because of his new looks, Kevin struggles to find meaning for his remarkable accomplishment and his efforts to teach others how to change their lifestyle and lose weight. Kevin longs for his wife and wants to make amends with his daughter, but his career and staff have other plans for him. Ultimately, he is torn between pursuing his ex-wife, Jennifer, or yielding to the advances of his sexy young assistant, Mika, whose motives are questioned when Kevin discovers that she and a trusted ally, his trainer, may be responsible for altering more than his diet.


My thoughts:

This was an interesting book that takes you through a man’s life and his intense struggle with his weight from the man’s POV. This is the first book I have seen with this storyline and found it thought provoking. Would he have dated an overweight woman after he lost his weight? Was he a weight loss snob? Where do you lose your mission, values and family in the fame and fortune? How do you balance when you start eating healthy and those around you do not? I don’t want to spoil anything for you but the story has a few twists and a love triangle. When he got on the plane I really wasn’t sure which decision he would make. I was very happy with his decision. I enjoyed the book and think it would be a good book club discussion.