eat-drink-and-be-buriedThe Gourmet Detective has been brought in to help make the meals at a medieval castle-turned-theme park more authentic. It’s not his fault that the joust he attends ends in a death… of a stunt man, as it happens, but was the intended victim the noble son of the house?

On the surface, it’s hard to imagine who would want to harm Sir Gerald or his family; they’re all such nice people. But additional deaths make it seem increasingly less likely that it’s just a run of bad luck. And what about the stray arrow, the baffling maze, and the mysterious “accidents” people keep mentioning so off-handedly?

The book is a classic puzzle, with tantalizing clues, interesting characters, complex relationships, and just enough action to keep the story lively. There’s a bit of romance, a bad-tempered police officer who would prefer that the Gourmet Detective stayed out of the way, and lots of interesting historical information.

While there are no recipes in this book, you will learn how to make a number of medieval dishes, from frumenty to eel pie. Foodies and history buffs alike will value the wealth of detail.