We are excited to share this excerpt from DREAM ON with you.  DREAM ON was released on Tuesday.  Good clean book published by Astraea Press.  

Dream On


Title: Dream On

Author: M. Kircher

Publisher: Astraea Press

Date: April 22, 2014

Genre: YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi Romance






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Tagline: Love is dangerous for Emily, even in her dreams.

Description:  Seventeen-year-old dreamwalker, Em, might have to choose—leave her mother forever in the dreamworld or save the life of hot, rebel Gabe.

Emily Dal Monte and her mother, Lily, are special. They’re humans with a glitch in their genetic code that allows them to explore the fantastic, and often terrifying, world of their dreams for as long as they choose to remain asleep. But when Em’s father is killed in a tragic accident and her distraught mother loses herself more and more in the dreams of her crumbling mind, Em is forced to support the two of them the only way she knows how, by writing down her mother’s amazing dreams and selling them as books. Enter Gabriel Sobel, the handsome punk newcomer at Em’s high school who realizes Em is the daughter of his favorite, reclusive author. Gabe can’t figure out why Em keeps brushing him off and makes it his mission to find out what’s really going at the Dal Monte household. He stumbles upon their shocking family secret just as Lily takes a turn for the worse. It’s up to Em, Gabe, and one very nosy book editor to hop from one extraordinary dream to the next to find Lily and convince her to wake up before she loses her mind…and before Em loses her first chance at love.

Excerpt 2

“Mom,” I whisper softly and give her shoulders a shake. But her eyes remain closed; her lips are half-parted and turned slightly up at the corners as if she’s gazing at something wonderful. Maybe she is.


I sigh and lean in a little closer to her face. “Mom, are you just taking a nap?” I ask in a slightly louder voice and poke her cheek with my index finger. When she still doesn’t move, my temper snaps. “Wake uuuuppp!” I yell right into her ear.


There’s no response.


Great, I’ve lost her again. Feeling in the pit of my stomach that days of loneliness and silence are looming before me, I give up and back away from the bed.


I try not to blame her. Shoot, if there weren’t bills to pay, books to write, groceries to buy, and school to attend, I’d let myself get lost in there for a couple of days too. But somebody has to take care of things out here in the real world; somebody has to make sure we stay together.


I tuck the embroidered sheet tighter around Mom’s slender shoulders and bend to brush my lips on her forehead. Her shallow, measured breaths feel like a light wind blowing across my face. She doesn’t stir at my kiss. Her head lays unmoving on the pillow, her white eyelashes fanning themselves over two porcelain cheeks and long, golden hair framing her face like a halo.

I push myself off the bed, the soles of my sneakers making scuffling noises as I drag them across the soft, cream-colored carpet that covers the floor of Mom’s bedroom. It’s not as if I need to keep quiet though — a herd of wild elephants won’t wake her up now, not until she decides she wants to be awake.


And who knows how long that will be this time.