Donna’s response to my question about what would she tell her younger self was surprising, but then again Donna Sparks, More Than a Reviewnot. Donna Sparks is transparent about the destructive behavior in her past.  Specifically, she feels that the messes that she was in during her past are part of her current message.  It is hard to reconcile the woman Donna describes and the woman she is today.  She would tell you that is also part of her testimony.  Another passion for Donna is to encourage women that no matter what you have done you are loved by God.  He can take the messes whether you created them or they were of an external nature and use them for good.

Donna has a fruitful jail ministry.  She shares with women that have little hope that there is hope. If you missed our Facebook Live from CBA Unite in Nashville, you can watch it here.

Beauty From Ashes Book Description

Beauty_From_AshesIn a transparent and powerful manner, the author reveals how the Lord took her from the ashes of a life devastated by failed relationships and destructive behavior to bring her into a beautiful and powerful relationship with Him. This book highlights God’s ability to restore those who have failed. And His desire to use those who struggle to see themselves as vessels worthy of the Lord’s use. After reading the author’s testimony and encouraging words, readers are left with no excuses for believing the Holy Spirit cannot empower and use them regardless of their past failures and existing apprehensions.

Foreword by Laura Lynn Tyler-Thompson, the host of 700 Club Canada.

Purchase Beauty from Ashes at amazon

Donna Sparks Bio:

Donna SparksDonna Sparks, a Licensed Assemblies of God evangelist, travels widely to speak for women’s conferences, retreats, and revivals. She ministers in many churches and still finds time to maintain a vibrant and fruitful jail ministry to women. In that jail ministry she has seen the Lord bring many female prisoners to salvation and spiritual renewal.

She uses every ministry opportunity to share her testimony of God’s mercy and grace in rescuing her from a destructive past. As the leader of the “Sisterhood” women’s ministry in her home church— Trinity Assembly—she ministers to women from all backgrounds, denominations and from all nearby areas. Donna boldly shares the unchanging truth of God’s Holy Word with an intense desire to see the lost come to Christ. With humor, Donna seeks to engage others by sharing how God has proven Himself faithful to her. And she makes clear that God will do the same for them.

She married Brian, the love of her life, twenty five years ago, Bryan.  And they have two beautiful daughters whom they are raising to know and experience the reality of God.

Story of Grace Website

