Donna Interviews James Hannibal

James is absolutely fascinating and a true gentleman. We discuss his books and his syntheses, and a God moment when he just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

He is a former stealth pilot and is no stranger to secrets and adventure (his books had to be approved by the DoD). He has been shot at, locked up with surface-to-air missiles, and chased down a winding German road by an armed terrorist. He is a two-time Silver Falchion award-winner for his Section 13 mysteries for kids and a Thriller Award nominee for his Nick Baron covert ops series for adults.

He is a rare multi-sense synesthetic, meaning all of his senses intersect. He sees and feels sounds and smells and hears flashes of light. If he tells you the chocolate cake you offered smells blue and sticky, take it as a compliment.


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