Every person’s life has room for more positivity, and positivity is always your choice. The personal stories and real-life situations in Nip It challenge you to see your life as a series of individual moments over which you have control. Then you can choose to “nip” the negative moments and turn them into something more positive.
The authors provide hints and tips to help you recognize the negative situations you encounter, find ways to change their impact, and help you shift the outcomes from negative to positive. By the end of the book, you will have a toolset that will allow you to act rather than react when faced with a negative moment. When you apply the techniques that are outlined, you can begin to experience more positive life moments. And with practice, you’ll find that your positive moments turn into positive hours, then positive days, weeks, and months, which can lead to an overall life of greater positivity.
Sexual Content - 0/5
Violence - 0/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Overall Nip it is a non fiction book to help you stop negativity. I found a great learning even in the forward. It is very beneficial to have someone working with you that is not just like you. I was my most productive when I worked with a woman that had strengths to compensate for my weak areas. Jeanie and Kris fit this situation too. I agree that positivity is a choice; some days it is just a harder choice. The authors break the book into two main themes Nip it and Flip it; Stop negativity and flip negativity into something positive. They present real life situations and give you examples of how to react differently. Some of these real life examples are hilarious
while still delivering practical advice. For example, one technique they teach is to pause and they recommend that you practice it in normal situations so when you are faced with a negative or stressful one you are already prepared. I related very well to several of the stories however I wish I had read chapter 8 before I attend my first conference after creating More Than a Review. The stories help you feel more normal. I realized how often I would be in a stressful or negative situation and I would think about the book while I was reading it. I recommend purchasing the book, reading it, and then gifting it. Trust me you will know someone who really needs it.