Spanning several decades and three continents, Modoc is one of the most amazing true animal stories ever told. Raised together in a small German circus town, a boy and an elephant formed a bond that would last their entire lives, and would be tested time and again; through a near-fatal shipwreck in the Indian Ocean, an apprenticeship with the legendary Mahout elephant trainers in the Indian teak forests, and their eventual rise to circus stardom in 1940s New York City.
Modoc is a captivating true story of loyalty, friendship, and high adventure, to be treasured by animal lovers everywhere.
Sexual Content - /5
Violence - /5
Language - /5
Drugs and Alcohol - /5
This is an incredible love story of a man and his elephant spanning over 80 years. They are born in 1896 in a small town in Germany and travel to several continents. They endure numerous hardships and triumphs together. They are reunited throughout the book and each time is so heartwarming. The training techniques used for the elephants was not the norm for that period of time. The main character Bram learned a gentle, no force, method of training passed down from his father. Modoc was the elephant who later became famous in the circus. She saved lives and touched so many people. At one point, she floats in the ocean for several days saving numerous people that hung onto her after a ship wreck. Her story is that of courage, intelligence and undending love for Bram, the human who raised her with love and compassion. Get out your tissues!