Ride the transcontinental railroad as marriage arrives by mail-order—and just in time for Christmas. Annika arrives in Wyoming to discover her intended is missing. Jolie’s journey to Nevada is derailed by disaster. Elizabeth carries a load of secrets to Nebraska. And Amelia travels to California to wrap up her final attempts at matchmaking. Will the holiday season be the ticket to spark love in unexpected ways?
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 0/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Overall Christmas Mail-order Brides is a compilation of four novellas all set in the same time period of the 1880s. The thread that ties the stories together (besides the time period and the theme of mail-order brides) is Mrs. Mayberry's Matrimonial Society for Christians of Moral Character the matchmaking mistress who successfully brought together 194 couples. Of course, these stories are fictional, but based upon real history. Each of the four stories is written by a different authoress, and each story presents a different set of circumstances that brought each of the four women to consider becoming a mailorder bride. In today's world of \"romantic entanglements\" and
wanting to be \"in love\", the whole idea of being a mail-order bride is certainly almost a foreign concept. Contemporary society takes much for granted where women and their ability to marry is concerned. Though today we see little of a social \"caste system\", the reality in that day was that men and women were not necessarily free to
marry above or below their \"station\" in life. Another consideration we don't often think about is that female orphans had little means to find suitable marriages, reading some to escape lessthandesirable options by submitting to becoming mail-order brides. Though the novellas are short and not terribly well-developed, each is well-written enough to be a pleasant read.