Click to Purchase:  A Killer in the Ozarks

Lukas McCoy: a young orphan boy trying to survive in the harsh country of the Ozark Mountains, in the early 1900’s. This was a learn as you go, survival test, and he was to learn many things as his struggle continued into his teen and adult years. One trait or ability was the use of a gun; he became very skilled with the handgun; the 38 caliber Smith & Wesson pistol. It became as necessary as food daily, or a blanket in winter; the pistol on his belt. One thing he seem to lack; a conscience, any type of emotion for others, or a sense of humor.Parents died when he was six months old, taken in by Indians.Abandoned when he was five years old, taken in by a preacherand his wife, who was murdered when he was eight years old.Lukas McCoy just couldn’t seem to hang on to someone who would take care of him. He never knew where his next meal was coming from, life was a constant struggle. Then he was taken in by his outlaw Uncle. With him,he learned many things. How to use a gun, how to rob banks, how to survive in the Ozarks. And just when life seemed to start his way, he was forced out of his Uncle’s house. On his own again, he vowed he would do whateverit took. He found a place of his own. He found a girl he liked, her father didn’t like Lukas. He got into a shooting feud with a bad outlaw family. It was shoot or be shot, the number of dead men in his past kept growing.It seemed to be the normal way of things here in the Ozarks. But nothing stays the same, and life was good to Lukas again, and just as he was getting what he had always dreamed of , guess what, it…. well, you need to read the whole story.