Rylee Monroe is a dogwalker South of Broad in Charleston’s most elegant homes. She’s a cute girl in rollerblades to the people who see her swoop past, but to the dogs she loves, she’s family.

Rylee needs her furry family, too. Her own family history is shrouded in layers of mystery.

The perfect person to peel those layers away in Logan Woods, a reporter working on his first big story. He meets Rylee when one of her customers trees him, or rather runs him up a lamppost, and they feel drawn to each other from the start.

As Logan continues to work on the complex crime he’s covering, though, Rylee seems to be everywhere he looks — on a personal level and a professional one.

Is Rylee the sweet and simple girl she seems to be– or is she enmeshed in a web of deception, destruction, and madness? As the criminal becomes more dangerous, Logan becomes more determined to find out the truth about Rylee Monroe. With God’s help, their happy ending may not be out of reach… but things don’t look good.

Beguiled is a well-written, suspenseful book with twists and turns, but also with a well-crafted plot leading inexorably to the surprising denoument. Local color and likeable characters make it a pleasure to read.