Authors: Want to feature your work? Let MTAR helpWe are excited to offer a new opportunity for authors to feature their books in the More Than A Review newsletter, which goes out to about 4,000 readers. This will expose authors to potential new readers and offer them an affordable way to promote their work (please note we never promote erotica).

We have two opportunities: the Book Spotlight features a single book for $25. The Author Spotlight features the author and several of their books and comes at a rate of $150.

Books Spotlight: $25 per spot

Send us a book image, book description up to 150 words to include the genre and two buy links. If the book has been reviewed in our database we will include a link to the review. You may also include a category such as New Release, Sale, Clean, etc. if it applies. We will limit the number of book features to 4-6 spotlights per newsletter.

The Book Spotlight newsletters will go out on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month. Your information and payment will need to be received by the first and third Wednesday to make it into the newsletter for the corresponding following week. To submit your information, simply fill out this easy form.

Author Spotlight: $150

We also offer an Author Spotlight for $150. An Author Spotlight is when you are the focus of the newsletter—no other books will be highlighted. We will only have one a month. It includes an author image and bio, and up to 4 book images, descriptions and buy links. I will work with you on the timing of the author spotlight in case you want it to coincide with a new release.

Payment through PayPal to

We look forward to featuring your work!