w.b.-kinette-cover-Waiting Fate

W.B. Kinnette was born and raised in Utah and has since found her way back to just a few miles away from home to raise her own family after living in  Texas and Alaska. The baby of the family, Kinnette was spoiled and dreamed of writing down all her daydreams. After all, Kinnette says, dreams need to be chased! Waiting Fate, Kinnette’s newest novel, is her own true love story about how she reconnected with her husband after returning home at the end of an abusive marriage.

MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
W.B.: I was born and raised in Utah. My family spoiled me rotten because I was the baby – and a big surprise. I have three adorable little ones and the best husband in the world.

MTAR: Can you tell us about your latest release?
W.B.: Waiting Fate is based on the love story between my husband and I –losing and then finding each other years later. It’s also a story about escaping abuse and finding your happily ever after.

MTAR: What inspired you to write your own story?
W.B.: My publisher had an open call for submissions for true love stories. I thought, “Oh! That will be fun!”

MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
W.B.: Yes! It is this – no one deserves to be abused or mistreated, and even though it’s scary, you can get away. Everyone deserves their happy ever after.

MTAR: What book are you reading now?
W.B.: I’m reading Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Princess, and I’m hooked! There has been no productivity in my house since I started it.

MTAR: If you were a super hero, what would be your superpower?
W.B.: I could talk people to death! Seriously, it is very hard to get me to stop talking. Ever.

MTAR: What makes you laugh?
W.B.: My kids. The way their little minds work sometimes is hysterical. They aren’t even trying to be funny half the time, which amuses me even more.

MTAR: What would your fans be surprised to know about you?
W.B.: Hmm. Oh! I had an imaginary twin brother growing up. My sisters were pretty much grown up by the time I came along, and I was desperate for family – so I invented a twin brother! We had a lot of great times, he and I!