Krista-DavisKrista Davis is the national bestselling author of the Domestic Diva Mysteries. Her last two books, The Diva Haunts the House and The Diva Digs up the Dirt, made the New York Times bestseller list and were nominated for the Agatha award for best novel. Krista’s new series kicks off in December with Murder, She Barked. Krista lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Krista Davis:
I write the Domestic Diva Mysteries and the Paws and Claws Mysteries. The first Paws and Claws Mystery, Murder, She Barked, will be out in December. That should tell you a lot about me. I really do like to eat, cook and bake, but like my protagonist, Sophie Winston, I’d just as soon have someone else do the cleaning. I’m a total sucker for cats and dogs. At the moment, I have three dogs and two cats. We just added a ten-month-old rescue dog to the mix, so it’s pretty lively around here!

MTAR: What do you do when you are not writing?
Krista Davis:
Not writing? What’s that? Honestly, when I’m not writing, I’m usually thinking about plot ideas. I love to read, of course. I never miss Project Runway (which I find odd because I’m not a fashionista or into sewing). I haven’t been able to travel much in recent years, but I love that, too. Seeing how other people live, trying new cuisines, and exploring (not to mention shopping!). It’s such fun!

MTAR: What inspired you to write your first book?
Krista Davis:
My first book was the result of an idea that I couldn’t get out of my head. It wasn’t published. Nor was the next one or the next one . . . Fast forward ten years and three agents. An editor asked if a proposal would appeal to readers of Real Simple. I had never heard of it. Off I went to CVS. It was in the drugstore that I realized it was sort of an anti-Martha magazine for people who want the food and lifestyle, but with less fuss. The two domestic divas were born in that instant. Sophie likes to keep things simple, while nothing is too complicated for Natasha.

MTAR: How did you choose the genre you write in?
Krista Davis:
Nancy Drew, anyone? I devoured those books! I was hooked on mysteries from the beginning.

MTAR: Can you tell us about your challenges in getting your first book published?
Krista Davis:
Well, I mentioned that it took ten years, so there were a lot of rejections along the way. I landed a less than desirable agent first, then changed to a lovely woman who was very encouraging but never sold any of my manuscripts. My third agent, Jacky Sach, made it all happen for me. She has since left the business, but I was adopted by her partner, Jessica Faust, who is terrific, as a person and an agent.

MTAR: Can you tell us about your upcoming book?
Krista Davis:
There are two! The Diva Frost a Cupcake will be out June 4th. I introduced Humphrey Brown in the first Domestic Diva Mystery, The Diva Runs Out of Thyme. I never dreamed he would be a continuing character, but Humphrey grew on me. He’s very smart in some ways but hopelessly inept when it comes to women. In The Diva Frost a Cupcake, Humphrey has two women chasing after him. The only problem is that one of them might be a killer.

Murder, She Barked will be released on December 3rd. The Paws & Claws Mysteries are set on fictional Wagtail Mountain where a tiny resort town has gone to the dogs and cats! It’s the premier vacation spot for people who want to take Fluffy and Fido along. Dogs and cats are not only allowed in the restaurants, but they have their own special menus. There are all kinds of activities for dogs, cats, and their doting people. When Holly Miller arrives at her grandmother’s inn on Wagtail Mountain, she finds that one of the employees has been murdered. A Jack Russell terrier named Trixie, and a calico kitten called Twinkletoes help Holly sniff out the killer.

MTAR: What was your favorite chapter (or scene) to write and why?
Krista Davis:
Natasha works hard at being perfect and likes to cultivate a celebrity image. She has adopted a long-haired chihuahua who is young and active, and doesn’t like her. There’s a scene where the dog snarls and gnaws on Natasha’s arm. She tries to smile through the pain and pretend nothing is amiss. I laugh just thinking about it.

MTAR: How did you come up with the title?
Krista Davis:
Titles are tough! All the Domestic Diva Mysteries begin with “The Diva.” The Diva Frosts a Cupcake was easy. But the next book is set at Christmas and involves a cookie swap. Oof! That one will be tough. All suggestions welcome!

MTAR: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?
Krista Davis:
There are lots of themes and ideas that I plan to use in books. I’m always looking forward to the next one. I’m very big on plots and probably spend far too much time on them. But, hey, they’re mysteries, so plots are important!

MTAR: What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
Krista Davis:
I don’t know that I can pick out any one thing. Some reviews are harder to read than others. I always remind myself (thanks to Sara Lee) that everybody doesn’t like something. Not everyone will like my books. That would be an unreasonable expectation.

MTAR: What has been the best compliment?
Krista Davis:
 The Diva Digs up the Dirt has been nominated for the Agatha award for best novel. That’s as good as it gets. I am overjoyed!

MTAR: Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Krista Davis:
Join an on-line group dedicated to the genre you write. In the mystery world, there’s nothing better than the Guppy chapter of Sisters In Crime. You’ll learn so much there! Publishing isn’t like anything else in the world. Do your homework and learn about the industry as well as the craft. And don’t give up. It’s a long road, but well worth it.

MTAR: Dogs or Cats?
Krista Davis:

MTAR: What book are you reading now?
Krista Davis:
None. I have a deadline coming up way too fast!

MTAR: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
Krista Davis:
Definitely other writers in the Guppies. Janet Bolin, Daryl Wood Gerber, Lorna Barrett, Sheila Connolly, Sofie Kelly, and countless others were all struggling and learning at the same time. There’s a large group of us who were Guppies together and have been supportive of each other. We still are!

MTAR: Do you see writing as a career?
Krista Davis:
Absolutely. I hope I can keep doing it for a very long time.

MTAR: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
Krista Davis:
I loved to read as a kid. I think writing follows that naturally. I was lucky to have some very supportive teachers, too.

MTAR: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Krista Davis:
I have difficulty with too many characters. I try to whittle them down, but that’s always an issue for me.

MTAR: Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Krista Davis:
Are you trying to get me in trouble? I have way too many friends who are authors, and they’ll clobber me if I choose one!

MTAR: Who designed the covers?
Krista Davis:
My Domestic Diva Mystery covers are painted by Teresa Fasolino. She always gives Sophie such beautiful covers. My new series, the Paws & Claws Mysteries, are being painted by Mary Ann Lasher, who has such talent. I’ve had a peek at the first cover and it’s wonderful!

MTAR: What was the hardest part of writing your book?
Krista Davis:
I think the trickiest part of every mystery is making sure all the clues and details hang together just right.

MTAR: Do you work with an outline, or just write?
Krista Davis:
Outline? I run from the room at the mention of an outline. Eeek! But I do plot. I have to know who my killer is, the motive, and exactly how it happened. Then I run with it and just write, write, write.



Krista has been very generous and is giving away one of her books to two lucky readers! The Diva Runs Out of Thyme, the first book in the Diva series, and The Diva Digs up the Dirt, the most recent one, are both up for grabs for two readers. Simply leave a comment using your email address and let us know what you think is a good title for the Christmas cookie swap themed Diva book Krista’s got coming up next. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and will be open until midnight on April 21, 2013.