Jodi-ThomasJodi Thomas is a Texas native and author of 37 novels and 11 short story collections, all centered around life in Texas. A NY Times and USA Today bestselling author and RITA winner, Jodi raised two boys and taught family living at Amarillo High School before turning to writing to send her sons through college. Jodi currently serves as the Writer in Residence at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas.

MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Jodi Thomas: My degree is in Marriage and Family Counseling, but I think I got it because I wanted to better understand people. I spent 19 years teaching before I thought I could quit and write full time.

MTAR: What inspired you to write your first book?
Jodi Thomas: I was thirty-five and had two small boys. I realized I’d have to send them to college so I’d better get started on my dream of writing by not just reading books about it, but writing. They are both college graduates and they laugh and say ‘romance sent them through college.’

MTAR: Which book do you recommend for a reader who is new to your writing?
Jodi Thomas: For historical romance readers they might want to start with Texas Rain. It’s the beginning of a series they’ll love.
For contemporary readers Welcome to Harmony if they like series. If they want to just try one book, Twisted Creek or Just Down the Road would be great.

MTAR: Can you tell us about your upcoming book?
Jodi Thomas: I really loved writing Can’t Stop Believing. As with all my Harmony books it deals with one main story with stories of others in the town circling around. I think readers will fall in love with my two main characters. If Harmony voted on the two most likely people in town to marry, it would be these two. I promise you’ll laugh and cry and fall in love.

MTAR: What was your favorite chapter (or scene) to write and why?
Jodi Thomas: I loved writing Cord in Can’t Stop Believing because he’s been kicked around in life. He thinks everyone in town hates him and doesn’t talk to anyone. There is a part of him that is so hard, yet because he’s been around very few women, a part of him is also naïve.

MTAR: How did you come up with the title?
Jodi Thomas: My editor, agent and I always go round and round with titles. I have a dear friend, DeWanna Pace, who usually suggests one that works.

MTAR: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?
Jodi Thomas: That is what is so wonderful about writing series. I can always pass characters from one book on the streets of the next story.

MTAR: What has been the best compliment?
Jodi Thomas: A few weeks ago in Oklahoma City at a conference a woman came up to me and told me that when she was reading Finding Mary Blaine she caught herself praying for Mary Blaine at night. I was very touched that my character came so alive to her.

MTAR: Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Jodi Thomas: Take time to learn the craft before jumping in the water. Read books on writing. Attend workshops and conferences. On my website you’ll find articles about writing.

MTAR: What would your fans be surprised to know about you?
Jodi Thomas: I have no sense of direction. But, it doesn’t bother me. I figured out a long time ago you can’t drive out of Texas without them notifying you. To me North and South are sides of the Civil War.

MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Jodi Thomas: I know there are bad people in the world but I believe in the kindness of others.

MTAR: Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Jodi Thomas: Thanks for going with me along this journey. Sometimes I work later into the night because I know those readers are out there waiting for the next book.

MTAR: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Jodi Thomas: Spelling. I usually give my editor and copy-editor a few great laughs at my creative spelling.