MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Dusty Crabtree: I’ve been married to a wonderful guy for almost 10 years – crazy how long that sounds! Makes me feel old. J I’ve taught high school English for 8 years now, and I’ve been a youth sponsor at our church a tad bit longer.
MTAR: Do you plan a sequel to Shadow Eyes?
Dusty Crabtree: Yes! It’s in the works as we speak, and I’m super excited about it! It’s slow going though with work and life getting in the way. I’m hoping to finish it this summer. No. I WILL finish it this summer!
MTAR: What inspired you to write young adult?
Dusty Crabtree: I love being able to influence teens in a positive way – obviously that’s why I’m a youth sponsor and teacher. Being a teenager these days is tough with all of the negative influences in media and society. It’s so hard to grow up trying to hang on to your morals and live a respectable life when that means going against the flow. I wanted to give them a positive alternative to read that was still intriguing with all the bells and whistles of a normal YA urban fantasy but that also promoted morals and hope.
MTAR: What was your favorite chapter (or scene) to write and why?
Dusty Crabtree: Ooh, good question! The prologue was actually the first thing I wrote before I even had the plot formed fully in my mind. I’d had the idea that I wanted to write something with angels and demons but hadn’t meshed out the details when I dreamed something similar to the prologue. The vision was so cool that I woke up and went almost straight to my computer to illustrate it with words. I still love that short scene!
MTAR: How did you come up with the title?
Dusty Crabtree: I actually discussed it with some of my students at the time. Lol! After giving a few of them the gist of the concept, they came up with some great ideas. On the surface Shadow Eyes represents how her eyes are the source of her ability to see the shadows. However, as far as the deeper meaning behind it…well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out. J
MTAR: What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author?
Dusty Crabtree: The toughest criticism has been more from people who felt the spiritual/Christian/moral aspect of it was too strong or heavy-handed. Shadow Eyes is not a Christian book, but there are undertones and elements throughout – I mean it’s about angels and demons. Anyway, depending on you’re background and tastes, I realize that’s not for everyone, so I try not to let that get me down.
MTAR: What has been the best compliment?
Dusty Crabtree: I actually loved this one, really long review on Goodreads because the reader became so emotionally invested in the story and characters. “There is no doubt in my mind that Dusty Crabtree has talent as a writer. Shadow Eyes got SO many emotions out of me.” So much so, that she actually threw the book across the room at one point because she was mad at Iris. But then later on she said that she literally put the book down so she could cry. “IT WAS SO BEAUTIFULLY DONE! I literally sat there feeling so sorry that I had thrown the book during earlier moments. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL.”
MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Dusty Crabtree: You are stronger than you think, you are worth respect and love, and you are never without hope.