We are thrilled to review All She Wants for Christmas by Sara Olds and delighted that she was willing share a little about herself with us.  Sara has three books published.
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All She wants for christmasAbout ALL SHE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS: George Clauson is Santa’s daughter, but she can’t stand Christmas. All that ho-ho-hoing, caroling and people’s greedy wants? No, thank you. She’s left the family business and struck off on her own in the human world finding her niche as a humble second-grade teacher.

Ebenezer Herod is a descendent of King Herod. His family has never stopped trying to destroy Christmas. This year they may actually get their wish, but not if Ben can help it.

George wants nothing to do with restoring balance to the Christmas season, and she certainly isn’t interested in the shockingly handsome and devilishly rich Ben. A determined do-gooder, Ben’s used to saving the day, but he can’t rescue Christmas alone. Can George and Ben find a way to work together despite their opposing heritages to make the Season bright?

Sara OldsAbout Sara Olds: Sara V. Olds has been telling stories for as long as she can remember. One of her favorite memories is of unfolding a tale for friends while they were all bundled in sleeping bags watching a comet shower in the Uintah Mountains.

Mother of three: Large, Medium and Small, she welcomes her newest role, that of mother-in-law.

Life has taken her from thither to yon and back again—she’s moved 22 times during her marriage. She breathes to travel. Longs to fulfill a lifelong dream of owning a horse. Is an addictive reader. Enjoys swimming, skiing, violin and movies. Wonders if she’ll ever get to SCUBA dive again. And has found a calling that fulfills her in ways she never could have imagined—teaching history to—wait for it—8th Graders.

Her stories consume her. There’s nothing she’d rather do than spend all day, all night and the next day conversing with her latest set of characters. History, adventure, action, romance, humor. Adults, YA and kids. Yep, she does it all. Looking for something to enjoy on a quiet rainy afternoon? Or wanting a pulse-pounding, stay up all night turning pages adventure? Or a you’ve-GOT-to-be-kidding romp? You’ll find them in her pages.

MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Sara:  Let’s see. I love to travel. I love to write (I hate editing). I’m a mom of two teenage daughters and I just became a grandmother (my son). I’ve lived all over the US and several places internationally.  And I’m a total rollercoaster and action movie freak. I’ve written several novels in all sorts of genres: YA comedy romance, Historical romance, contemporary romance, Children’s and I’m working on a new middle-grade historical and a new YA fantasy. So I have something for everything.  I love the holidays and I had an absolute ball writing George and Ben’s story and I hope everyone will get a massive kick out of it!

MTAR: What do you do when you are not writing?

Sara:  My biggest time commitment is teaching Jr. High US History. I love it, but it’s a massive time commitment.

MTAR:  What inspired you to write a Christmas book?

Sara:  I love the holidays (remember I’m a school teacher) and I love to write during the winter break. I started wondering about what it would be like to be Santa’s daughter and that sparked the need to think….what if—which is how I plot—what if and what if and what if.

MTAR: Share three items on your bucket list?

Sara:  1. I’d really like to see the Northern Lights.  2. I want to spend a long holiday in Cornwall.  3. I want to see the Vienna New Year’s Day Concert.

MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Sara:  Sometimes doing the right thing is the most important part of life. More important than tradition and even more important than family.  I know this is bit heavy—but it’s something I try to teach my students while teaching history.

MTAR:  What is one of your favorite Christmas memories?

Sara: I spent a wonderful Christmas living in London. The entire season was an absolute delight! Selfridges, Debenhams and Harrods are wonderful at Christmas.

MTAR: What has been your best author moment?

Sara: When I announced that All She Wants for Christmas was coming out—my Jr. High class applauded. It was soooo sweet.

My life LumberjackMTAR: What book would you recommend to readers new to your writing?

Sara:  Well, I would start with All She Wants for Christmas.  If you need a massive laugh, then My Life As a Lumberjack or How I Fell for the Wrong Guy(s). But if you like WWII adventure—try Brigadier.

MTAR: What would your fans be surprised to know about you?

Sara:  Casual group situations where small talk is required—like open houses or receptions—terrify me. Chuckle. I’m terrible at that.

Click to purchase:

All She Wants for Christmas

My Life as a Lumberjack

Connect with Sara:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/saravolds

Website: http://www.saravolds.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaraVOlds


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