Danger in the Deep South #1
Attorney Hope Finch is a rising star at the prestigious New York law firm of Rice & Taylor and is used to high-stakes litigation. But when she’s sent to what she thought was a small, sleepy town in Georgia, she is unprepared for the dangerous turn of events that threatens her life and career.
FBI Special Agent Gabe Marino knows that something sinister is happening in his hometown of Maxwell, Georgia. But even he doesn’t know how big the threat is until he’s assigned to protect a visiting big city lawyer. As Gabe investigates the illegal activity linked to Hope’s client, he tries to caution her, but she ignores his warnings—until it’s her life that’s in jeopardy.
When Hope becomes the target in a deadly corporate cover-up that is directly tied to the biggest trial the town of Maxwell has ever seen, she and Gabe have to find a way to work together. Hope and Gabe race against the clock to uncover the true threat, but can Gabe keep Hope safe in the face of danger or will time run out on them both?