Heather deJesus Yates has a heart for women and a passion to help them share their redemptive stories.  In All the Wild Pearls she encourages us to write our stories as she shares her own personal stories.  With this intention, she shares the hardest chapter to write and why.  She weaves her story to that of an oyster making a pearl.

Coupled with the struggle of writing while raising her daughter, she shares the challenges of launching her book.  I think many authors could relate to that.  In spite of all that, she shares why she loves writing, in addition to all of the coffee she gets to drink.

If you missed our Facebook Live interview from CBA Unite 2018 in Nashville, you can watch it here.


All The Wild Pearls: A Guide For Passing Down Redemptive Stories

ALL_THE_WILD_PEARLSEvery pearl has a story to tell.

We see our wounds and lose hope of ever being lovely, but this is not the story of the pearl…
…or the Gospel.

Every time the Gospel meets a wound, a redemptive story forms. Where we see dirty, Jesus sees beauty soon set on display. Just as pearls start from affliction, so too our redemptive stories start in our cut places.

Join lawyer, speaker and author Heather DeJesus Yates as she creatively guides our generation through the transformational hope of the Gospel using both her own redemptive stories and those of an unlikely companion…a wild oyster.

Discover your own collection of redemptive stories, the ways Jesus has transformed your pain, and find hope for those pearls yet forming in your soul. Experience confidence in knowing your redemptive stories, so you can pass them down for generations to cherish, so you can say:

“Here, daughters of the next generation…these are all my wild pearls.”

Purchase All the Wild Pearls

Author Bio

HEATHER DE JESUS YATESHeather is a wife, mama, business owner, speaker, blogger, occasional lawyer and legislative advocate, and author. Out of a passion to see women walk in freedom from shame, Heather woos women into God’s wide love through her disarmingly real-life stories, balanced with Gospel-centered hope. Her favorite days include her husband and toddler daughter either enjoying a slow day on their hay farm in the foothills of the Appalachians of Tennessee, or winding the back roads in her old but restored 1953 Chevy truck named Wild Pearl. Connect with Heather online where she writes as Mama Bear, and join a community of women being released to nurture a next generation of women at her blog, www.amotherofthousands.com, or on Instagram @amotherofthousands.
