Inspired by the famous Girl Detective, the members of the Olentangy Heights Girls’ Detective Society, affectionately known as the Nosy Parkers, spent their formative years studying criminology, codes, and capers. Unfortunately, opportunities to put their unique skills to work were thin on the ground in the post-war boom of their little corner of suburbia and they eventually grew up to pursue more sensible careers. Until…
Heather Munro’s youthful devotion to The Girl Detective led to a passion for digging around in history. Now pursuing her Master’s Degree in Celtic Studies, Heather must balance exploring Edinburgh with her determination to excel in her all–male classes at the University. Unfortunately, on her first night working in the Archives room, she discovers the dead body of a visiting professor, the same would-be lothario she’d hoped never to see again.
As clues come to light, it’s clear someone hopes to frame Heather for the murder. Besides her quirky landlady, whom can she trust? How can she clear her name? The police and the American Consul have plenty of suspects, but only two seem to have both motive and opportunity: Heather and the quiet Scottish historian she longs to trust.
Sexual Content - 0/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
From: Rebecca Maney
Book Title: The Case of the Clobbered Cad Book Author: Debra E. Marvin What do you like about this book:
"It didn't make any sense. Nothing made any sense."
It's only her first night on the job, and masters student Heather Munro has found a dead body in the archives room; worse still, she knows the man; an American professor visiting Edinburgh University as a guest lecturer, but there's more to the story. Much, much more.
Fearing that she is already a suspect, Heather confides in her landlady and two other young history professors to discover evidence surrounding the murder of the handsome, flirtatious Professor Jack Winter. The two people with the most obvious motive cannot be placed at the scene, and the more poking around that Heather does, the more she is convinced that it's not going to be easy to solve the "case of the clobbered cad".
What a delightful read, with quirky likable characters who make you want to to tip-toe along side them or eavesdrop on their conversations, while they put their God-given curiosity to the test and discover that "the people who care to know the truth . . . are the ones that really matter".
Your ratings of the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use on a scale of 1-5.
Drug/Alcohol use:0