He casually agrees to a marriage of convenience… never expecting to fall in love with his bride.
Ethan Kincaid proposes marriage with the same detachment he gives every decision. Audra Gilliland accepts his proposal so she can stop being a burden to her newly married stepdaughter.
But Ethan never expected Audra to affect him so profoundly, and it terrifies him. Someone he loved was once seriously injured on his watch, and he won’t let that happen again. If Audra will just do as he says, he can keep her safe from the dangers that lurk on the ranch.
Audra has been cared for all her life by one man or another—and they’ve done a poor job of it. Now she’s planning to stand up for herself. And her new husband had better agree or get out of her way!
Can two fearful hearts—wary of getting in too deep—become two trusting hearts, willing to let go and fall in love?
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 2/5
After a loveless marriage, Audra resorts to a marriage of convenience only to protect herself and her children from the danger that lurks at every turn.
Maybe if I had read the first book of the series, I might have cared more about these characters. As it was, a first time reader is thrown into the story and expected to understand why these characters are behaving the way they do. Several times, I would flip to the first page just to make sure I had begun at the right place because I was confused. For me, the flow of the story was not smooth or enjoyable.
While there is a story arch for this book that is built upon, the overall story is left unfinished. I presume it will all be explained in the last book, but I have no interest in reading it.