This is the saga of the Tucker and Canfield families in Shiloh, Arkansas, as they struggle to make it through the Great Depression after the stock-market crash of 1929. Based on the lives of Bodie’s grandparents, this touching story mirrors the heartbreak and struggle of Depression-era America.
Sexual Content - 0/5
Violence - 0/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Bodie and Brock Thoene are known for their historical novels about Jewish history but this book is based on the lives of Bodie's grandparents. It is a moving story of simple folks living through difficult times the Great Depression. It takes place in Arkansas which strikes a chord with me since I live in Arkansas. The characters are
believable and authentic. The dialogue and descriptions ring true to stories I have heard about my parents' families during this time period. As was the case with many, faith in God carried them through. I would recommend this for anyone. Review by Susan
Overall I read this book because i live in Arkansas and the book looked interesting to me and it was. I always heard my papa and my granny talk about The Great Deppression.I only under stood in those days people didn't have enough money to buy food or even seeds to grow crops thats what this story is about Oct.1'1931 when the cotton market collapsed.It was very difficult times It was Brodie's grandparents that the book is about.It was their faith in God that helped with through these times. I hope and pray i my children or grandchildren never have to see thing get that bad. Review by Pegleg1954