20,000 Leagues under the Sea tells the story of a scientist, Arronax, who joins an expedition to find and destroy a mysterious sea monster who is attacking ships. Instead, he finds himself the prisoner of the proud and ruthless Captain Nemo, captain of the amazing submarine, The Nautilus.
Sexual Content - /5
Violence - 3/5
Language - 3/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 1/5
Jules Verne's creative work depicts the journey of a then uninvented technology the submarine. A professor finds himself captive and unable to leave the submarine as the captain does not trust him with this secret. Verne's brilliant insights reveal a colorful world under the ocean full of treasure, suspense, and giant squids.
Violence Several battles occur in the novel, mainly of man versus nature, but guns, harpoons, and violence are part of the novel.
Language Keep in mind that the submarine is full of sailors. But the book, intended for young adults, is not riddled with profanity.
Sexual A very modest book, much like many of Verne's others. Drug & Alcohol A few references to alcohol, but otherwise it is absent of substance abuse.
Reviewer Name: Isstroc