Now with a new look celebrating 20 years of Nicholas Sparks!
An angry rebel, John dropped out of school and enlisted in the Army, not knowing what else to do with his life–until he meets the girl of his dreams, Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the woman who captured his heart. But 9/11 changes everything. John feels it is his duty to re-enlist. And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else. “Dear John,” the letter read…and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true love–and face the hardest decision of his life.
Sexual Content - 3/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 1/5
Drugs and Alcohol - /5
The book Dear John was so sweet and loving. They have true love from the very beginning and you can tell. Nothingn they do towards each other to hurt one another. Aftger he goes back to war she is lonely and wiht tons of guys all around her its hard for her to say no. especially with John being gone for so long. Will she stop her self?
Violence-Some fighting, nothing to bad
Language-Some curse words were used through out the book
Sexual-There are some scenes, wrote in good taste