In MAXIMUM RIDE: SAVING THE WORLD AND OTHER EXTREME SPORTS, the time has arrived for Max and her winged “Flock” to face their ultimate enemy and discover their original purpose: to defeat the takeover of “Re-evolution”, a sinister experiment to re-engineer a select population into a scientifically superior master race…and to terminate the rest. Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel have always worked together to defeat the forces working against them–but can they save the world when they are torn apart, living in hiding and captivity, halfway across the globe from one another?
Sexual Content - 2/5
Violence - 3/5
Language - 1/5
Drugs and Alcohol - /5
This was one of my favorite books in the series, but it seemed like the author couldn't make up his mind about anything. Max's mother was this person, but then it was revealed that that was a lie and it was someone else. Max thought she found out who her Voice was, but then was told that she was wrong after thinking for half the book she was right. Ari was Max's brother, then suddenly he wasn't, then he was again, and on and on... Also, the plot was never resolved, so the author decided to extend the series.
Violence-The fight scenes were mainly between genecticlly enhanced fighting machines, so they were pretty intense.
Language-This book wasn't as bad as the others in terms of crude language.
Sexual-The kissing scenes were better because they were what, if you'd been reading the series, you've been waiting for for a long time.