HOLY COW! Have you SEEN all the different social media platforms there are now? Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. Goodreads. Google Plus. LinkdIn. Reddit. Tumblr. TSU. Instagram. SnapChat. Periscope. WHEW! Seriously, a girl could get LOST in the buzz and never claw her way out. But, there ARE a few tips and tricks to help you navigate the murky waters of the social media whirlpool.
- You DO NOT have to be on them all. Saints alive, who has the time 😉
- Make sure you actually LIKE the one(s) you are on. There is nothing worse than dreading having to go interact on your social account.
- Schedule posts. If your platform will not allow it you might want to try something like HootSuite to manage your posts for you 🙂
- Don’t be scared to try a new platform. You might like it better than what you have.
- Don’t be afraid to ditch a platform if it becomes too much work or the two of you just aren’t meshing.
- Try to make sure you are making the most of your chosen platform. Hashtags, Groups, Videos, Images…Figure out what works and roll with it 🙂 Be be ready for it to change in 5 minutes.
- NEVER be scared to ask your friends for their opinion on a platform. They may have tips and suggestions you hadn’t thought of.
- Think about your readers and what platform THEY use…..Chances are if you want to reach them THAT is the platform YOU should be using.
- The best social media for you is one that is…..well….social. And you should like being there. If you don’t it’s time to move on or try something new.
- HAVE FUN! It’s not ALL about work and promoting 🙂 You should enjoy your social media. You should make new connections and friendships.
About Opal:
Opal Campbell has been a member of the publishing industry since 2008. She currently works for a growing digital first publisher as well as making a variety of video projects for authors and publishers.