5 amazing authors from 5 Prince Publishing have come together to make this wonderful Anthology. Let’s get to know them.

Romance author by night, pharmacist by day, Amy Gale loves rock music
and the feel of sand between her toes.  She attended Wilkes University
where she graduated with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. In addition to
writing, she enjoys baking, scary movies, rock concerts, and reading
books at the beach.  She lives in the lush forest of Northeastern
Pennsylvania with her husband, six cats, and golden retriever.


Bernadette Marie has been an avid writer since the early age of 13,
when she’d fill notebook after notebook with stories that she’d
share with her friends.  Her journey into novel writing started the
summer before eighth grade when her father gave her an old
typewriter.  At all times of the day and night you would find her on
the back porch penning her first work, which she would continue to
write for the next 22 years.

In 2007 – after marriage, filling her chronic entrepreneurial
needs, and having five children – Bernadette began to write
seriously with the goal of being published.  That year she wrote 12
books.  In 2009  she was contracted for her first trilogy and the
published author was born.  In 2011 she (being the entrepreneur that
she is) opened her own publishing house, 5 Prince Publishing, and
has released contemporary titles and has begun the process of taking
on other authors in other genres.

Bernadette spends most of her free time driving her kids to their many events.
She is also an accomplished martial artist, working her way to her
second degree black belt in Tang Soo Do.  An avid reader she loves
to meet readers who enjoy reading contemporary romances and she
always promises Happily Ever After.


 Jessica Dall finished her first novel at age 15 and been writing ever since. She is the author of such novels as Grey Areas and The Bleeding Crowd, the Broken Line Series, and
a number of short stories which have appeared in both literary
magazines and anthologies. When not writing, she works as a freelance
editor and creative writing teacher in Washington, DC.


Railyn Stone hails from the TarHeel State and is a
romantic at heart. She believes you can find romance in the simplest
aspects of life and enjoys letting her imagination run wild. Trying new
restaurants, listening to music, playing golf and writing over the top
stories about ordinary people are the hobbies she cherishes most.


 Lisa is happily married to her soul-mate and they have a daughter and two
crazy dogs. She especially enjoys being creative and now writes almost
full time.

In 2012 Lisa and her family relocated from England
to their beloved Scotland; a place of happy holidays and memories for
them. Her new location now features in all of her books.

Writing has always been something Lisa has enjoyed, although in the past
it has centered on poetry and song lyrics. Some of which appear in her

Since she started writing in 2012 she has loved every minute of becoming a published author.

Susan Lohrer grew up all over western Canada and lives in
BC with her husband, their two children who are still at home, three
dogs, and far too many aquariums. She believes life is always better
with a healthy dose of humor.


Let’s look at these 6 great stories!

BERNADETTE MARIE~Bestselling Author

A Romance for Christmas~ A Keller Family Christmas Novella

Tiffany longed to have the kinds of relationships she’d watched her
best friend’s family create over the years. The Keller and Benson
families forged long lasting—true love relationships that come once in a
lifetime. Unfortunately, her romances were a little more on the
freestyle side. That was until she met country music bass player Blake
and it turned out to be the best Christmas ever.

LISA J. HOBMAN~Bestselling Author

Last Christmas – A The Girl Before Eve Christmas Novella

After two blissful years of marriage, Lily and Adam are going
strong. Their relationship was always based on friendship and so they
can pretty much get through anything.

That is until an opportunity of a lifetime is presented to Lily which will take her overseas to the USA.

Adam’s role teaching high school English has been a part of his life
for so long and the thought of upping sticks and moving across the
Atlantic really doesn’t appeal. Can he convince Lily that their life is
in Scotland or will the promise of a new career in Hollywood be too good
for feisty, independent Lily to pass up?

Is this one obstacle too far for the best friends turned husband and wife?

RAILYN STONE~Bestselling Author

Restored Hearts

EnVee McAlister just bought a house. It’s an old Victorian home that
needs a lot of work, especially if she wants to get into it by

Logan Edwards is the contractor she’s hired to help her.
Unfortunately, he’s not like any man she’s ever encountered and his
arrogance and crass demeanor is making it hard to deal with him. Both
she and Logan hold no punches and their terribly blunt personalities
clash like oil and water.

But when she finds out about Logan’s tragic past, it forces her to
deal with her own insecurities and emotions she’s desperately tried to
forget. And instead of a house for Christmas, EnVee receives something
she never expected.

SUSAN LOHRER~Bestselling Author

A Christmas for Chloe

When free spirit Jessica Caldwell’s daughter is diagnosed with Down
syndrome weeks before Christmas, her carefree existence sheds its
holiday glitter in a collision with the regimented world of pediatric
medical care.

For Brendan Kean, their first family Christmas is going to be the
highlight of his life—until he learns their baby has Downs. Now his
tangled feelings for his tiny daughter just make him want to spend more
time at work. This Christmas is turning into such a disaster that some
days it feels like even Santa is out to get him.

Jessica and Brendan are trying to salvage Christmas and their
relationship the best they can—but could baby Chloe’s diagnosis be the
one thing that shows them the true meaning of Christmas?

AMY L. GALE~Bestselling Author

Christmas Blitz

Small town real estate agent Holly Clifford is counting the seconds
until she pays off the debt incurred from caring for her sick mother and
can move out of Hilldale Vermont forever. After forfeiting her college
scholarship to Eastern University Law School to be at her mother’s side,
she obtained her real estate license and took a position at Trust
Reality. NICK SHAW is on the path to victory. As a high school football
hero turned rookie star wide receiver of the newest NFL team, the Iowa
Talons, success is all he knows. But sometimes there’s things fame and
money can’t buy. When Nick returns to Hilldale, he puts on offer on a
lakeside mansion up for sale by Trust Reality and turns Holly’s life
upside down. Can she stay on track and resist Nick’s charm or will she
blitzed by Hilldale’s football hero this Christmas?


Holidays Past

It doesn’t feel much like Christmas in Green Haven this year. With
bad weather and a relatively empty town, Marc is starting to regret not
going home for the holidays. When an old flame shows up, however, a
second chance at love might be worth the Christmas away.

Get your copy of this book today!

Let’s get to know one of the authors and their story!
Author Q&A
1. What is your favorite part of writing?

My favorite part of writing is leaving behind the stress and day to day
life of the real world and transporting to somewhere amazing where
someone is just about to fall in love.


2. Is there a message in your novels you want readers to grasp?
The message in my writing I
want my readers to grasp is to never give up on your dreams and anything
is possible with someone you love by your side.
3.Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I’ve always loved to write
but didn’t have the time to devote to writing during college. After I
started working in the real world, I fell in love with the New Adult
romance genre and once I read just about every book available at the
time I decided to write my own. I shared my story with a few close
friends who encouraged me to go for it! Two years and three books later,
here I am.
4.Give us an insight to how your writing day/time is structured.
I write in the evening when I
am the only person home and not a creature is stirring except for my
six cats and Golden Retriever. I like to leave the world behind and dive
into my story.
5. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
I learned that writing the
book is the easiest part. I didn’t realize how much time and effort
needs to go into promoting and marketing. Now I schedule time for both.
6. What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing and how do you defeat it?
The thing I struggle with the
most while writing is time management. I work full-time so it’s
pertinent to schedule writing time. Sometimes the voices in my head
demand to be heard even when it’s 3 a.m. and I’ve got to get up for work. I love it though.



I blink, trying to focus my blurry vision.
Amazing, just when I think he can’t get any sexier, he goes and does this. Nick
flings a guitar strap over his shoulder and joins the local band up on
stage.  “Give it up for our own football star, Nick Shaw,” the lead singer says into the microphone. A roar of clapping fills the air. I sway from side to side, steadying myself against the back of
the chair. I take a sip of my third martini. “For those of you don’t know, Nick
used to be the guitar player of Steel Asylum back in the day.” The singer runs
a hand through his hair and nods to the other members.
Hoots and hollers fill the bar.  Beautiful, familiar chords flow through. The
crowd breaks into a frenzy. I close my eyes, taking in the melodic tones. Even
in my altered state, it hits me. Oh my God, they’re going to attempt “Stairway
to Heaven”? I gaze at the stage, following Nick’s every move. His fingers glide
along the strings effortlessly. Like everything he touches turns into pure
magic. The lights shine down, glowing all around him, turning him into an
angel.  My eyes lock onto him, refusing to take in anything else. The singer belts out the lyrics, trying to capture
Robert Plant’s essence. Of course it’s not even close to perfect, but it’s fun.
Maybe that’s the point. Nick’s fingers tap along the strings. His forearm
muscles dance along the rolled-up sleeves of his gray dress shirt. What is it
about musicians and athletes that drives me wild? And the combination, that’s
just like an atomic bomb about to go off. Willpower, where are you? I chair
dance to the final chorus, Nick still in my crosshairs. The lights dim, casting
a blue glow over the small stage. Nick slides his fingers along the strings.
Perfect finish. The crowd cheers, giving a standing ovation. Nick tosses the
guitar strap back over his head and sets the Les Paul Starburst down. If he
carried that in one hand and a football in the other, no doubt he’d get mauled
to death with every step. The foursome of bandmates and Nick walk to the front
of the stage and take a quick bow. “Don’t even think of going anywhere. We’ll
be back after a quick break. Here’s more Zeppelin to rock your world.” The lead
singer steps away from the mic and switches to a CD.  Nick slides into the chair at our table.
“What’s the verdict?”

Is he for real? He turned from hot football player to smoldering rock god in a matter of five
minutes. I’d say the jury’s unanimous. “I didn’t know you had a secret talent.”
He leans forward across the table. “More where that came from.” He sits back in
his chair. I sip my drink. “Maybe it’s time I learn some of them.” Wait, did
that just slip out of my mouth? I set down my glass. Enough of the liquid
confidence. Or is it truth serum?  He
raises an eyebrow, flashing a quick smile. “You know, I’ve never met anyone
like you.” “I guess you don’t get out much.” He sips his beer. “Seriously,
you’re… real.”  I slug down the rest of my martini. “There’s nothing worse than being surrounded by fake smiles and judging eyes. I can relate.” He shakes his head. “It’s not that. You’re focused but can
still see the whole picture. A sweetheart but not a pushover. And you never let
your guard down, even when you should.” “That’s how you end up getting hurt.”
He slides his hand across the table, running his thumb along my fingers. “Or
it’s how you find something amazing. It’s all about taking a risk, and I’d risk
anything to be with you right now.”

Author Top 10 
I would do almost anything for chocolate.



My favorite pizza topping is black olives.


I love the beach but only go in the ocean up to my knees for fear a shark might attack me.
I love to travel but hate to fly, thank God for alcohol.



I have an issue with buying flip flops and have so many I could probably share them with a small town.
Green is my favorite color.
I love animals and would have a zoo if I could.
I love rock music and I’m a huge Led Zeppelin fan.
I bake and decorate cakes in my very limited spare time.
Even though I write romance novels I’m a huge horror fan.


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