Are you feeling lucky?   I am giving away an AUTOGRAPHED paperback copy of Emma’s Orphans!  Join over 125 authors and bloggers as we celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a week long giveaway.

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Emmas Orphans Book Description: Emma Wright knows the loneliness of being an orphan. Maybe that’s why her Maryland home seems to attract children left parentless by accident or by the recent Civil War. It is hard to care and provide for them on a nurse’s salary, and finding Christian homes for them requires more wisdom than Emma possesses on her own. As strong and independent as she seems, Emma dreams of the day a strong, Christian husband will share her burden, and she thinks her prayers might be answered when she meets the handsome carpenter Nate O’Neil. But, though the war is over, Nate is still fighting a battle inside himself. How can he offer himself to a fine woman like Emma when he still bears the guilt of past deeds? While Emma and Nate wrestle with their problems, the seven children in Emma’s care decide to take matters into their own hands. My review is here