Excerpt from The Heart of the Amish by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Excerpt from The Heart of the Amish by Suzanne Woods Fisher

What if your capacity to forgive the big things starts with your ability to let the little things go? That person who cut you off in traffic – that irritating woman in line at the grocery store – each opportunities to get ready for those moments where...
An interview with Tamera Alexander, Author of To Win Her Favor

An interview with Tamera Alexander, Author of To Win Her Favor

Against the backdrop of one of the most turbulent times in American history, the post-Civil War era, one woman struggles against prejudice, injustice and suffocating conventions of the 19th century to pursue her dream. Tamera Alexander’s To Win Her Favor...
An interview with Becky Wade, Author of A Love Like Ours

An interview with Becky Wade, Author of A Love Like Ours

Can love really conquer all? For the walking wounded who carry deep pain, a phrase like that can seem trite. Becky Wade weaves a moving tale of the hope of redemptive love in her new book, A Love Like Ours (Bethany House/May 5, 2015/ISBN: 978-0764211096/$13.99). In it...
An interview with Kim Vogel Sawyer, Author of When Grace Sings

An interview with Kim Vogel Sawyer, Author of When Grace Sings

Bestselling author Kim Vogel Sawyer believes in the power of second chances – a theme she’s captured with poignant grace in her new book, When Grace Sings (WaterBrook Press/March 17, 2015/ISBN: 978-0307731333/ $14.99), which follows the CBA  bestseller...