For Love and Country

Today I have a $50 Book Blast giveaway from author Elizabeth D. Michaels. Look for the blog tour for this book starting September 17th. For Love and Country When A Man Is Torn Between Honoring His Country And The Woman He Loves, The Best Option Might Be To Choose...

Kindle Fire Giveaway or $229 Paypal Cash!

 The Kindle Fire /$229 PayPal Cash Giveaway would be perfect to help you with your Holiday shopping.  Only 93 days until Christmas.        It’s time for the next $229 Kindle Giveaway Hosted by I Am A Reader. We are giving away 2 great prizes both valued...

Stuck in a Good Book Blog Hop

Have you been Stuck in a Good Book lately?  I am stuck in a good book on the beach.  I will update the blog hop on Monday with the Mystery book that I am giving away!         a Rafflecopter giveaway Powered by Linky Tools Click here to enter your...

An Event to Remember … or Forget

Book Description: Sienna Harris is a girl with a plan. Her days of slaving away at Carrie’s Classic Events and More are numbered as she is on the brink of launching her own event planning company. Her relationship with Luke Price is headed in the right direction and...

How to Network Online to Promote Your Book

How to Network Online to Promote Your Book: Doing a Virtual Book Tour As the owner of Write Now Literary Book Tours, I tell authors to add a book tour to their marketing plan for greater exposure. What is a Virtual Book Tour? A virtual book tour is a great way to...