Lost and Found by Karey White

Tour Schedule Lost and Found by Karey White Lydia was supposed to have an adventurous and exciting summer. Instead she’s done nothing more than read and eat takeout. Now it’s time to go home, and what does she have to show for it? A big fat nothing....

25 Ways to Communicate Respect to your Husband

  25 Ways to Communicate Respect to your Husband is a fast easy read however to put these into practice may seem overwhelming.  Jennifer recommends approaching one at a time.  Although you may not relate to all 25 even implementing a few of them could drastically...

Author Recommendation – Atopia Chronicles

M Kircher is sharing one of her book recommendations. 5 Stars The Atopia Chronicles” is a must read for 2014! Seriously, if I could give a six star rating, this book would have it. A sci-fi technothriller to its core, the book centers on a futuristic virtual...

Dream On by M Kircher Excerpt

 We are excited to share this excerpt from DREAM ON with you.  DREAM ON was released on Tuesday.  Good clean book published by Astraea Press.     Title: Dream On Author: M. Kircher Publisher: Astraea Press Date: April 22, 2014 Genre: YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi Romance...