Silver Linings – Ripple Effects Series Novellas

I am participating in the Silver Linings Blog Hop.             Silver Lining Drew Westfall wants nothing more than to forget what he had to do in the name of “smart” business. Cutting off all ties with his parents—including handing over...

Imperfect Love – Book Excerpt

Tour Schedule Imperfect Love Lauren Wilson is well on her way to her happily-ever-after. She has a career she loves, a husband she adores and a baby on the way, but a devastating diagnosis changes everything. The life she’s built suddenly crumbles around her...

4th Annual Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop

Are you feeling lucky?   I am giving away an AUTOGRAPHED paperback copy of Emma’s Orphans!  Join over 125 authors and bloggers as we celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a week long giveaway. a Rafflecopter giveaway Book Description: Emma Wright knows the...