A Christmas Surprise by Lindsay Downs

A Christmas Surprise by Lindsay Downs If I hear one more debutante declare that they will never marry unless it is for love, well. I shall break my quill! And we all know what happens when I break my quill. Things become very up-setting and it isn’t long before...

Fame and Misfortune by Frank Borne

Fame and Misfortune book giveaway.  See our facebook page:  More Than a Review Book Blurb: Kevin Clayton wanted to be thin, attractive, and wear normal sized clothing. However, after rising to prominence as an accomplished fitness guru following an extraordinary...

Paper Wishes by Jennifer Eaton ebook Giveaway

Book Blurb: Paper Wishes follows Jack and Jill on their journey from friendship to love over Christmas and New Years in two heartwarming stories. Connect the Dots: Jill writes her most intimate Christmas wish to God–and throws it away for its...

All She Wants For Christmas by Sara Olds

We are thrilled to review All She Wants for Christmas by Sara Olds and delighted that she was willing share a little about herself with us.  Sara has three books published. a Rafflecopter giveaway For All She Wants for Christmas. About ALL SHE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS:...