More Than a Review is excited to have Varina Denman quest post with us today.  I think you will find her post fun and relate-able. How many of the signs do you have?  Are you a book nerd?

14 Signs You Might be a Book Nerd

You’ve always had your suspicions, but now your friends are whispering behind your back, and you’re beginning to feel apprehensive. Is it true? Are you a book nerd? In case you’re not certain, here are fourteen sure-fire indicators that you have reached the lofty status of book-a-holic, but don’t be ashamed. Embrace your book nerd-ity … and head to the bookstore.

Varina Denman Book NerdYou might be a Book Nerd if:

  1. Your eyes are permanently stuck in a squinting position from reading on your tiny phone screen.
  2. You’ve been forced to open a line of credit just to cover your Amazon one-click purchases and/or your overdue book fines.
  3. You miss your child’s winning goal because you pulled out your kindle … just for a second … to finish that chapter you started in the car.
  4. You have bags under your eyes from sleep deprivation. (You were just planning to read one more chapter last night …)
  5. You haven’t vacuumed behind the couch in six months because, duh, reading is more fun, and who cares anyway.
  6. You either ADORE or DESPISE audiobooks. There is no gray zone.
  7. You know the Fed Ex guy by name.
  8. You know the librarian’s grandchildren by name.
  9. You no longer enjoy movies because the book was way better, and you imagined it all differently, and the movie people messed with the ending.
  10. Your best friends are not actually alive, and/or you like characters in books better than you like real people.
  11. You keep peanut butter and jelly stocked in the kitchen at all times … in the event you should stumble on a good series … just in case … so the kids won’t starve.
  12. You teach your children basic survival skills from a young age. (see #11)
  13. Your to-be-read pile has taken over the nightstand, spilled onto the rug, and is now threatening to block the bathroom door.
  14. You don’t care; reading is worth it.

If you’re a true Book Nerd, then you can probably add to this list. What other symptoms have you noticed? Don’t be ashamed, leave your comments below.

varinadenman headshotVarina Denman is the author of the Mended Hearts series, available from David C Cook. She and her husband live near Fort Worth, Texas, where they enjoy spending time with their five mostly grown children and their elderly Pomeranian. Varina’s debut novel, Jaded, won the 2013 ACFW Genesis Contest for romance.




Varina Denman Jaded 3D fullsize coverVarina Denman Justified 3D Cover

Enter for a chance to win book two in the Mended Heart series, Justified. Here’s a little about the book:

In a small Texas town ruled by gossip, Fawn Blaylock believes others are justified in condemning her untimely pregnancy. Stifled by guilt, she yearns for the grace she has never been willing to bestow on others. Hope begins to stir when the local football coach offers gently strength to help Fawn reawaken her heart and redeem her past.


Justified perfectly captures the rhythm and romance of a small town, chronicling the life of a woman searching for renewal, a man looking beyond what others see, and a community torn between judgment and love. It is the unforgettable story of broken dreams, second chances, and relentless hope.


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