Warning signs Katy Lee

As an Inspirational Romantic Suspense author, Katy Lee writes higher-purpose stories in high-speed worlds. Through her writing, ministries, and teaching, she dedicates her life to sharing tales of love, from the “greatest love story ever told” to those sweet romantic stories of falling in love. Katy and her husband are born New Englanders and love to travel with their three adventuresome children.  You can connect with Katy anytime at her website, www.KatyLeeBooks.com. There you will find links to Facebook and Twitter.

Katy has agreed to give away a copy of Warning Signs to a lucky reader.  Enter the contest here!

Here is a link to my 5 Star review of Warning Signs.  

MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Katy: I love to read and knit.  I love teaching my children in their schooling and in their everyday lives.  I love finishing what I start, and love that I always do.

MTAR: What do you do when you are not writing?

Katy: Teaching and ministry work for my church and community as well as for Aglow International, all while thinking of the next story idea.


MTAR:  What inspired you to write your first book? 

Katy: I dabbled in writing when I was younger, but never took it seriously.  It wasn’t until I was flying cross country in 2009 that a man sitting next to me sparked a story plot when he asked me a specific question.  By the end of the flight I had a whole drawn out story and couldn’t get to a computer fast enough. Three months later, I had a completed manuscript, and a strong will to do it again.


MTAR: Which book do you recommend for a reader that is new to your writing?

Katy: I have two out now. Warning Signs and Real Virtue.  I would probably say try Warning Signs because I have two more coming and that will prep them for those.


MTAR: Share three items on your bucket list?

Katy: A missions trip (which may be in the works now), Travel across country in an RV to see all the National Parks, Go to the Olympics…as a spectator of course.


MTAR: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?

Katy: I don’t have a particular theme, I just know each story will probably offer some type of understanding and growth in the characters.


MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Katy:  I used to be a Special Education teacher, and I learned to allow the children to show me what they could do, before I made the assumption that they couldn’t.  With Warning Signs, I wanted to pass my experiences on.


MTAR: If you were a super hero, what would be your superpower?

Katy: Strength


MTAR: What makes you laugh?

Katy: My cats and my kids.


MTAR: What has been your best author moment?

Katy: Other than getting “the call?”  I would have to say receiving the wonderful messages from readers that make it all worth it.  Writing can be such an isolated experience.  It’s so nice when people write and pull me back to reality, letting me know I’m not doing this alone.