If we meet at book conference I would introduce myself as the founder of More Than a Review, a book reviewer and author interviewer.  I would then share about my day job. But my passion is interviewing authors; just don’t tell my boss.

10 Things About Me

  • I was born in Massachusetts and raised in Missouri. I live in Arkansas after a brief stay in New York and Indiana. 
  • Ray and I have been married for 19 years. The week after we married I started a new job and he started his own business.
  • My husband and I recently moved into a new home, and I forgot how overwhelming that can be.  Our 16 y/o rescue dog is not happy with her new surroundings yet. After packing the 28th box of books, I realized I may have too many. Do you find it hard to give books away, like I do?
  • At my day job, my team and I project manage/herd cats/slay dragons for Finance technology projects at a Fortune 5 company. I have been working remotely long enough now that I forget to wear makeup when I leave the house. I use my PTO/vacation days to attend book conferences.
  • Readers run. I have completed two marathons (Disney and Hawaii) and several half marathons which are my preference.
  • Although I am an avid reader along with my three younger sisters and nieces, I have no plans to become a writer. I read for enjoyment and escapism. Please give me a happy ending.
  • Foods I could survive on are pizza, queso and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
  • We support the military. Both our dads served and our daughter is full time army national guard.
  • I founded the book review website, More Than a Review in 2012. In 2016, I started interviewing authors.

As an interviewer, I bring author personalities to life for potential new readers through fun, thought provoking and powerful video interviews. Video interviews give you the ability to showcase your brand in your own voice, heighten your credibility, and build trust and loyalty with readers. 

Check out YouTube and Facebook to watch my author video interviews.

Learn More about why you need a video interview.

See the Author Video Interview Packages