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Interview with Andrew Huff, Author of Cross Shadow (part 1)
All journalist Christine Lewis wants is the truth. There’s always more to the story, and she can’t rest until she uncovers it. All pastor John Cross wants is to avoid the truth. Given his prior life, he thinks hiding the truth can protect those he...
How To Live Out Your Calling During COVID-19 by Pierce Brantley
WORK IN WORRYING TIMES God is doing a big work in the world. He is accomplishing a great task. The work that Jesus did, God’s Spirit is still doing—only now he does them through a calling: a specific partnership with willing Christians (see John...
“World’s largest online VBS” adds top entertainers to the June line-up
The best-selling female comedian of all time, Chonda Pierce, and children’s ministry favorite, Miss Pattycake, have been added to the growing list of performers and presenters for the WOW VBS, a four-day Virtual Bible Spectacular Event...
Author,Ginny Dent Brant says her battle with cancer may be the key to defeating COVID-19
Eight steps people can take to jump-start their immune systems Four months after her mother died of cancer, author and speaker Ginny Dent Brant was told by doctors she also had breast cancer, and an aggressive form of it. Having just watched her...
Five Reminders for When Your Life Gets an Unexpected Overhaul By Carla Laureano
I’m the first to admit that when it comes to life, I like to have everything ahead of me planned out. Maybe it’s a function of being a writer, and a “plotter” at that: I rarely dive into writing a book without knowing how it’s going to end. But...
New End Times series will keep readers on the edge of their seats
An interview with Terry Brennan, Author of Ishmael Covenant What if three ancient empires were poised to rise again and begin an epic battle for the land they once occupied in the Middle East? What if this battle was the fulfillment of a prophecy...
If Your Kids Have Questions, You Want Them to Come to You for Answers
Honest Answers equips parents to explore God questions with their tweens Grand Rapids, MI — Who would have thought two weeks ago that we would be facing so much fear and uncertainty? There are so many unknowns, so many questions, and if we have...
interview with Jared Kennedy, Author of Jesus Rose for Me
Jelly beans, decorating eggs, new clothes, and going to church as a family. All of these things are synonymous with Easter, right? For little kids, those things are Easter. However, it’s important for them to learn what Easter is really all about....
There is a titanic conflict going on around us
An interview with Terry Brennan, Author of Ishmael Covenant The inspiration behind Terry Brennan’s Ishmael Covenant started with one idea: that three ancient empires of the East—Persian, Ottoman, and Islamic—appeared to be on the cusp of rising...