Welcome to

More Than a Review (MTAR)!

Hi everyone!

I’m Donna Feyen, founder of MTAR. As a passionate reader (like many of you!), I created this space in 2012 because I craved in-depth reviews that went beyond the traditional format.

Here at MTAR, you’ll find comprehensive reviews with a warning for triggering or unwanted content, helping you choose books that align with your preferences.

Why Content Matters

With the divorce at 40-50%, infidelity at 16-30%, and miscarriages at 10-20% (per my google search) there are a lot of topics that can be unsettling to readers.

Personally, I cannot read books (or watch movies) with a lot of violence or any torture. I prefer books that make me smile not cry. And honestly since COVID I have started reading RomComs. Life was just too serious, and I needed a break from it and found that I really like RomComs.

I believe books have a powerful impact. Graphic content can be disruptive, while a well-written story can move you to tears or inspire action. I wasn’t alone in wanting reviews that considered content alongside plot and characters. That’s the foundation of MTAR. It’s more than reviews – it’s a community built around a love for high-quality books that match your preferred content.

A Look at My World

Here’s a glimpse into my life outside of books:


My husband Ray and I live in Northwest Arkansas with our German Shorthaired Pointer. We’ve been married since 2002 and enjoy being on, in or near water.

Life Highlights

I am a fan of Elvis, Beauty and the Beast and Wonder Woman.

Beach Bum

Relaxing on a quiet beach with a good book is pure bliss.

Bookworm’s Paradise

Attending book and reader conferences is how I spend my PTO.

Proud Military Supporter

We have family and friends who served, and our daughter Emily is in the Army National Guard.

Join the MTAR Community

Thanks for visiting! I hope you’ll explore the wealth of reviews and connect with fellow book lovers who share your passion for clean reads.

P.S. Keep an eye out for more author spotlights coming soon!